My Perfect December Evening
As I may or may not have mentioned just a couple of times these past weeks, life has been busy. To the point where I’ve basically forgotten how to do nothing, probably. To counteract…
Christmas Movies TBS (To Be Seen)
So every year I have a huge TBR-post for the Christmas period. And that’s only too right, because every single year I have a pile of books the size of my Christmas tree. Of…
Subscription box gift ideas
One of the absolute best things about Christmas is giving presents. Well, at least I think so. But here’s the thing. Why should giving presents be limited to just that one day where…
Christmas Songs
If there’s one thing you should know about me and my love for Christmas? It’s probably that I love Christmas music. So even though I already listed some seasonal music two years ago. And…
Christmas Pyjamas: a wish-list
Now, sure, I’m aware that I only just announced we don’t really do those here in Belgium. However. However. That doesn’t mean I don’t want to do Christmas pyjamas. Basically anyone can tell you I…