52 Goals October Update
So you know how I was going to get all these goals done? And then this entire series basically just turned into something of a ramble-series for Sunday mornings? Well, I’m going back to the roots of this series for this month. Mainly because, for the first in forever? I’ve actually got something for this 52 goals October update!
1. Personal
- Take at least one night per two weeks off – off work, off school, off blogging, just to enjoy (if you know me, you know that once every two weeks is still a step up!): I failed miserably. Then again, I just started working, so that’s to be expected?
- Do something sporty at least 3 times a week: I’m walking everywhere. I’ve decided that counts 🙂
- Eat pizza once a month (that means both at least and maximum, in case you were wondering): Yes!
- Eat sushi once a month (see above): Yes!
- Bake something new at least once a month: technically – it was just a combination of two things I’d already baked before into one thing. But you know what? I say it counts 🙂
- Try a new recipe once a month: and thank you to Hello Fresh!
- Go to my favourite spot at least once a week, even if just in passing: I’m gonna have to find a new favourite spot – I never pass by there anymore…
- Start to learn a new language (I’ve wanted to speak Swedish for ages!): I don’t suppose you can learn a new language in 2 months with very little time? Yeah, I didn’t think so :p
- Learn to be happy with my body: eeeeeeeeh
- Learn to be happy with myself in general: eeeeeeh?
- Try 17 new sorts of tea: I’m at 15! Long live the British store not too far from where I live – Stonemanor saved my tea cabinet 🙂
- Appreciate the good things I’ve got going: Got it
- Dance a little every day: dancing in the car counts, right?
2. Books
- Read at least 100 books: well over 100 at this point!
- Finish at least 3 of my Reading Challenges: I haven’t a clue, actually… Check back on here this coming Friday, I should have figured all of that out by then :p
- Read at least 10 books in French: almost? Ish?
- Read at least 10 books in Dutch: did that!
- Read a book I’ve been postponing for way too long: did this too!
- Read a classic I’ve wanted to read for ages: did this too!
- Buy at least one book a month: I bought enough books in August that I’m good well into 2018, actually :p
- Read 17 books I own, but haven’t read yet: working on it, but might just get there!
- Start and finish 3 books in one day: did that just this past Wednesday. Sure, they were re-reads, but still. I did it!
- Read every day, even if it’s just a page: well, I have to – manuals count and I’m constantly preparing classes 😀
- Plan to read, rather than read to procrastinate: long live long train rides that help me get this done!
- Get over myself and count the fanfictions I read for my reading challenges? Because god knows I read enough of it that it probably should: if I read any fanfiction, I’d add it. Haven’t don that in a while, though…
- Finish 3 series I started but didn’t finish: I’ve come to the conclusion that there’s only 2 series I’ve actually done this with… And I don’t want to finish them?
3. School / work
- Keep up the blog I had to start for my Masters in journalism: kinda. Very slowly :p
- Take at least one night off of schoolwork every week: absolute fail. Then again: what else is new :p
- Finish my masters’ dissertation before June: did it
- Kick butt at my journalism internship: did it
- Show initiative at my journalism internship: did it (I think?)
- Kick butt at my teaching internship: did it (I think?)
- Graduate from my Masters in journalism: did it!
- Graduate from my teaching degree: did it!
- Get an interview for a job that I maybe think I’m not good enough for: did it and got the job!
- Get my first job: see above :p
- Save at least 1/3 of what I earn with that first job: haven’t been paid yet, still planning on it :p
- Network – I’ll need it if I ever actually want to get a job: how’d you think I got that job interview? :p
- Remind myself daily that I am not how well (or awful– because that’s the one I’m worried about) I do at school / work: yeah, that’s probably never going to work, is it?
4. Blog
- Write at least 3 posts every week: I missed a couple of Sundays, but apart from that? I’d say I could be doing entirely worse.
- Write at least 1 book review every month: well would you look at what went online yesterday? :p
- Start (and finish) at least 1 new series this year: it’s not completely done yet, I don’t think. But How to Survive Graduation totally counts for this one, right?
- Participate in Blog-mas 2017: working on it!
- Do a collaboration with another blogger?: I did a guest post on Clairesyear at the end of August! Go say hi and tell her you came from my blog 🙂
- Participate in at least one Twitter chat a week: sometimes :p
- Actively pin at least one day every week: yes
- Get at least one Instagram post out every week: absolutely not but I’m okay with that 🙂
- Always make sure to have at least 2 posts out of 3 written a week before they have to go online: getting better at that again!
- Finalise tweeking the way my blog looks: I got this done around July, and I’m really happy with how the blog looks now 🙂
- Try and get a sponsored post?: nope
- Try and get an ARC?: 6 of them even, with all of the reviews online!
- Keep loving blogging: absolutely, 100% love it to bits.
And there you have it, that’s an actual update on my 52 goals for 2017! Be sure to let me know below how you have been doing on any goals you set yourself for this year!