travelling,  Weekly Lists

Weekly Lists #46: Places To Visit

Summer is almost halfway through?? 😮
How on earth did so much of it pass me by completely? Sure, I did a lot, but it feels rather unfair that that should mean that so much summer has gone already! And I had so many places to visit!

Anyways, for so many people, summer is definitely the season of travelling and, although I’ve been lucky enough to already have travelled quite a bit, I have a bunch of places I would still LOVE to see – and here’s 5 of them!

1. Paris

Credit: cntraveler

Some of you may remember me mentioning once or twice that I spent a couple of weeks in Paris two summers ago. I’d just finished my bachelor of English and Dutch Literature and Linguistics and decided I wanted to do another bachelor of French Lit&Lin. I’d just come out of a 2 year relationship and I just needed to go away, and as I wanted to freshen up my French anyways, Paris seemed like the place to go.

That being said, I absolutely fell in love with the city. I had an amazing host family, great co-hosters (is that even a thing?) and I met so many amazing people there that, when I came back, it truly felt like I’d been away for much longer than just a couple of weeks. I certainly felt as if I came back a completely different person, more so than the period I was actually there might have merited.
I’ve been back quite a couple of times since then (as recently as last week, even!), but more than anything, I would love to go and live there again for a couple of weeks, months, maybe even years!

2. The British Isles


Three years ago I finally got to go Ireland, where we spent 3 days in Dublin doing all the classic “touristy” stuff, and then spent a couple more days driving all around and visiting a ton of castles and doing some hikes.I was almost 9 when I went to England for the first time, and since then I’ve been there almost 20 times. Some times we’d go just for a weekend, to explore Hull, or York, or Lincolnshire, some times we’d go for a longer while and road trip from Dover to the Lake District and everything in between. In the mean time, I started realising that a lot of the books I loved (like Railway Children, Peter Pan, Narnia and Harry Potter) actually took place in the UK and surroundings, and I loved the country all the more for it!

Although I’ve always dreamed of going to Scotland, it only really happened last summer when I went there with my bf and sister. I wrote an entire series of posts on what we did there, but let me just say: if anything, it just made me want to go back! This entire region has such a great diversity of gorgeous cities, industry, nature, weather and everything, and I had one of the most amazing journeys ever there, and I so want to go back and explore the entirety of the British Isles some more!

3. Scandinavia


Credit: pxleyes

I was, actually, just going to say Sweden or Norway, but then I realised that, really, it would make way more sense to just write them all done because – let’s face it – I definitely want to visit all of them! I probably mentioned this at least 5 times before this one, but I’ve always loved Astrid Lindgren’s work and the way in which she depicts the Sweden of her youth, and that basically got me sold on the entire ‘idea’ of Scandinavia – I don’t doubt that, when I eventually get there, it’ll be quite different from what I imagine, but still – I just want to go there and see Sweden, and by extension, the entirety of Scandinavia!

4. Germany

So here’s the thing: there used to be a whole routine to our travelling. every summer holiday we’d go to France, every Christmas holiday we’d go to England and every Autumn holiday we’d go to Germany, and get to enjoy the variety of nature and culture in my favourite season of the year.
There’s a ton of places I still want to visit, however, like the Black Forest, and there’s a ton of places I would love to go back to, like Saarburg (even though I’ve already been there like 3 times) and München, which I just never felt like I could spend enough time in!).

5. United States of America & Canada


Credit: TechnoCrazed

Now, although I would like to visit all the ‘big’ places, like New York City, San Francisco, and what not, there are two places in the Northern American Continent: the place(s) where Anne of Green Gables and the place(s) where Little Women take place.
(But yeah, I also definitely want to visit New York and do the Eloise-thing, and the Serendipity-thing, and so on and so forth!)

So, there you have it – 5 of the places I would most love to visit – and hopefully soon!
What are some of the places that you would like to go to? Any places you feel that should’ve been on this list? Be sure to let me know below!
