Favourite Holiday Content 2020
Can we just take a moment to appreciate that I actually did it? I completed Blogmas – and that’s an achievement, especially considering I hadn’t actually posted consistently since this past spring. And…
Christmas Movie Favourites
Everyone has them, right? Those Christmas movie favourites that you don’t even need to rewatch… Just, because, you love them so much you can basically close your eyes and you see them play…
Mini Reviews #20: a Working Christmas
For someone who’s so keen on completely relaxed holidays, I sure do have a certain fascination with the concept of a working Christmas – or at least: a working lead-up to Christmas. That…
Giving experiences in times of-
Honestly, this entire year has been a bit of a mess – but here’s the main thing: it’s been a lot of missing people. So, considering the time of year and the circumstances?…
Christmas Group Activities Online
Here’s the thing: Christmas is going to be weird this year. We’re not allowed to see anyone outside of our “bubble”, which – in my case – means this will be the first…
Poppy Christmas song favourites
As much as I love the old school Christmas songs, there’s something to be said about the other end of the spectrum as well. If I want to get out of my bed…
Perfect Christmas Movies for Kids
In spite of what the title of this post might say? These are 100% all movies I’m planning on (or at least: hoping to) watch this holiday season. IF they also happen to…