Forever a student
Also known as: me. I’m fairly prototypical in that way. After all, there’s no way you’re gonna get six diploma’s in six years if you don’t have a deep love for learning, right? I…
Booktags #16: You’re Not Good Enough Book Tag
It’s time for another book tag. I mean, it’s been a while, right? And also – I came across the You’re Not Good Enough Book Tag (created by ReadLikeWildFire and Beccathebookreviewer). Basically, you…
A day in the life: Teacher Edition (Part 3 – Weekend)
One of the things that annoys me most about being a teacher, is probably this reaction: “oh that’s, fun. You get so much free time!”. Quite frankly? No. Just no. People tend to…
My 2018 Spring TBR
It feels crazy that I’m actually writing this, because apparently it’s going to be snowing tomorrow. You know, as it does, less than a week before spring is set to officially start. None…
#TBT: Favourite Glee songs
So I don’t think I’ve ever really done a #TBT on here. But I got stuck in another end of Youtube recently and I remembered that – once upon a time – I…
Weekly Lists #123: Long-term TBR-features
So a little while back, I deleted about 100 books from my Goodreads-TBR. If there’s one thing that whole experience taught me? It’s that some books have been on my TBR probably since…
Favourite Pinterest Boards
A little while ago I wrote about my re-discovered love for Pinterest. One of the biggest bits was that I managed to reorganise my boards much more efficiently. One of the things I…
A list of firsts
There’s something fun about a first, isn’t there? The excitemen, the stress, not knowing what will be next… And, in this case: the fun of knowing that it’s the first time writing about…