Weekly Lists #160: Favourite Blogposts November
Something I read on Twitter recently: “If you want to know how long 2018 is – the Olympic Games happened this year, and everybody’s forgotten about them.” First of all: yes, I had…
Weekly Lists #159: 5 Things I’m Grateful For
Happy Thanksgiving! It’s come to that time of year where Christmas is just around the corner, the days are definitely colder, shorter and more cosy (in my opinion, at least)… And, all of…
Weekly Lists #157: 5 Soundtracks To Get You To Relax
You know how, sometimes, you’re taking a rest and you need… A soundtrack? For that moment? Something to get your brain to slow down a bit, to get your muscles away from their…
About Books #61: Coming Home to Maple Cottage
I’ve been reading a lot of cosy winter books lately… It’d be easy to forget it’s technically still winter. Luckily, there came Coming Home to Maple Cottage to remind me of just that!…
Weekly Lists #156: Favourite Blogposts October 2018
October was not fun this year. Well, you know. It was okay. But it just didn’t feel like October. On the 13th, it was 26°C. Those are the kind of temperatures we’re usually hoping for for…
Travel Diaries: Cologne 2017
I’m catching up! Finally! This post is only being published a year after I actually went to Cologne (I know, it’s crazy!). So, during the autumn break, the whole family took a couple…
Weekly Lists #153: 5 Soundtracks To Get You Pumped
I don’t know about you, but one of the main things I like about watching movies, is the soundtrack. I’ve been doing music in some way or form since I was 2 –…
Autumn Printables
Things that are “not quite secrets”: I love fall. And fall-printables and everything that goes with that. Honestly, I’d be singing “it’s the most wonderful time of the year” – but that’s just a…