Blogging,  Weekly Lists

Weekly Lists #160: Favourite Blogposts November

Something I read on Twitter recently: “If you want to know how long 2018 is – the Olympic Games happened this year, and everybody’s forgotten about them.” First of all: yes, I had forgotten about that. Completely. Second: yes – 2018’s been incredibly long. It lasted about 10 eternities. Yet, at the same time? I could’ve sworn it was August, like, yesterday. Either way – here’s my favourite blogposts November has brought!

1. Pride and Prejudice retellings

3 imaginative Pride and Prejudice retellings I’ve enjoyed lately

Because, as I’ve mentioned before on here – there’s no such thing as too many Jane Austen-retellings. And, well… Pride and Prejudice might just be my favourite one from that bunch!

2. The guide to holiday blog success!

Because, with the coming month? We all could probably do with some extra tips in order to make the season a success… Sometimes it’s really as simple as that!

3. Thoughtful Christmas gifting

Thoughtful Christmas gifting | AD

I know this month’s favourite blogposts seems largely focussed on everything holidays, but, honestly, can you blame me? This is basically my favourite time of the year, so of course I need to honour it in the best way possible – by loving all the relevant blogposts, of course! Also, giving more thoughtfully? Always a good thing, in my books.

4. Custom illustrated holiday cards

These holiday cards were introduced as “so pretty you will want to keep them”.  And honestly, I kind of agree. Why not go for something a bit extra for your holiday cards – or, really… Cards for any occasion. And you’re supporting smaller businesses in doing so – something I’m definitely trying to be more conscious of, these days.

5. How to practice mindfulness

My Daily Mindfulness Journey

At least we’re ending on a non-Christmas post, right? There’s no such thing as a calm December, in my experience. Never has been, probably never will be. Keeping that in mind, I actually went looking for some tips on living more mindfully. And while not quite a “to do-list” for mindfulness, I did really like the perspective this post offered.

What blogposts have you been loving this past month? Be sure to let me know below! And if you have any Christmas- or Holidays-related content coming up, leave me your links! I’m always on the lookout for more festive content 🙂
