Tags #13: 90s Tag
So I was born in the early 90s. According to some definitions, that makes me the posterchild of being a nineties kids. According to other definitions, that means I was too young to…
Tags #12: The ABC-Tag
So apparently I’ve made a full turn and I’m back at the tags? This ABC-tag is exactly what you probably think it is: one question for every letter for the alphabet. And my…
Tags #11: The Blog Friendship Booklet
I don’t know about where you live, but here in Belgium, we have these things called “Friendship books”. Basically, they were these books that you handed to your friends, that they would have…
Tags #10: 7 Deadly Sins of Beauty Tag
It’s been a while since I posted something beauty-related, and for this lovely Random Sunday, I felt a distinct need to change that. So here is quite the fun tag, all about the…
Tags #9: The Harry Potter Tag
So I’ve gushed about Harry Potter enough, both on here and on Tumblr, Twitter ànd Instagram that it really should come as no surprise to anybody ever that I’m doing this tag. If…
Book Tags #13: Greek Mythology Style (Part 2)
So yesterday I did the first one of this tag – or Book Survey – and today it’s time for the second part. Again: more appreciation is needed for Percy Jackson, and today…
Book Tags #12: Greek Mythology Style (Part1)
So, for all that I’m constantly talking about books on this blog, I feel like I haven’t really been paying enough attention to one series in particular that I really enjoyed reading: Percy…
Tags #8: The 25 Random Questions Tag
This morning, I woke up feeling like doing a random tag. (hahahaha) But seriously, I feel like it’s been a while since I did one of these, so this Random Sunday seemed like…