Weekly Lists #111: 5 Favourite Blogposts November
It’s basically Christmas, y’all. And quite frankly – I don’t know that I’m ready for that! I mean, I still have to make exams for the courses I’m teaching. And I have like…
2017 Reading Challenges: November Update
So apparently November is already gone-ish? I mean, there’s like a week left, but what with Blog-mas starting next week (aah, I’m making myself going through that again) Anyways, some reading was done this…
Weekly Lists #110: Books to be Thankful For
There’s few things in life I’m as grateful for as the ability to read. Books have shaped me in such a major way that it doesn’t do any harm to, once in every while,…
About Books #32: Christmas at Butterfly Cove
So I got this book a while ago, but work and life happened and I never got around to reading it. Then, during fall break just a couple of weeks ago, I wanted…
Weekly Lists #109: Fictional dream-careers
So here’s the thing about reading all the books. And also, about starting to work this fall. Suddenly, you realise how many jobs there really are out there. And how many of them you might…