Weekly Lists #88: Favorite Organizational Videos
You know how somehow you find yourself sucked into the dark end of YouTube? For me, in general, that ends up in either one of two places: 70’s Eurovision music, or organization. Naturally,…
Tags #11: The Blog Friendship Booklet
I don’t know about where you live, but here in Belgium, we have these things called “Friendship books”. Basically, they were these books that you handed to your friends, that they would have…
Weekly Lists #87: Books for your Hogwarts House
So a miracle’s happened: I’m doing one of the Top 5 Wednesday topics. And I’m actually doing it on the day that it’s supposed to go up! Basically: You’re supposed to show your…
52 Goals May Update
So let’s be real – the fact that there wasn’t an April-update for this series should really be enough of a clue as to how it’s been going. That being said… Let’s try…
2017 Reading Challenges: May Update
As you may have noticed, I didn’t get to last month’s post in this series. Oops? In my defense, almost no reading was done. And school was seriously kicking my butt. So, you…
Weekly Lists #86: 5 Favorite Blogposts May
I could do the same old song I do every month. How on earth has the month past us by already? Where have my days gone? How is it this far in the…
Recipes #7: “Healthy” Brownies
So here’s a fun fact for you. I don’t like calories – but I love the way they package them. French fries… Cookies… Cake…. Quiche… Brownies… So here’s what I love to do: try…
Weekly lists #85: Favorite things about college
So I finished my Masters’ dissertation! On time! Even before time! (If you hadn’t noticed, I’m quite excited about that. Around April I was absolutely sure there was no way I was ever…