My Fall Bucket List
So another week has come and passed us by, and that means it’s October. It’s finally starting to feel like it might actually be autumn soon! And I know I already said this when I talked about some of my favourite Fall Printables, but still. Now it’s really really starting to feel like it! Anyways, in that post about Fall Printables, there was a bucket list. And of course, me being me, that got me thinking. So, here we are, a little over a week later, and what am I posting? Of course – my fall bucket list!
Now, I’m not saying that I’m going to be doing all of these (I don’t think it’s actually possible?) but if nothing else, I’ll give them the good old try 🙂
1. Decorate for fall
So I don’t know exactly why, but although I’m awesome (well, if nothing else, I’m very enthusiastic) when it comes to decorating for Christmas, that doesn’t seem to go for any other season. This year, I’m determined that I’ll get at least some decoration done for fall. If nothing else, those printables will count, right?
2. Smell the fall air
I’m usually pretty good about this one actually – I keep my window open at almost all times as is – but I want to be more conscious about it. There’s just something about the way the air smells when the leaves are falling, and I want to really enjoy that this year.
3. Make autumn-y food
Now, this might be some more apple-cake, pumpkin-anything, comforting soups or pasta’s for when it’s raining and dreary outside, … There’s just so many dishes that are perfect for having during fall (anything from Thanksgiving’s dinner, for starters!) so I want to really take the time and have those!
(And if nothing else, I know the bf will enjoy this particular part of this bucket list!)
4. Go on a hike
Belgium is a country of beautiful nature, but somehow I always find myself stuffed inside when it’s at its most dramatic – i.e.: autumn. It used to be that we would go on hikes multiple times each fall, but as I started college that just wasn’t really possible anymore. This year I want to go on at least one hike and enjoy the colours, the leaves, the wild life, …
5. Get all the throw-blankets
Unlike the food one, I’m pretty sure this one will have the bf running, screaming, in the opposite direction. You see, here’s the thing: I have a thing about blankets and fleeces and throws.
As in: I want all of them, on top of each other, on top of me. And although I do have some, I don’t have anywhere near enough – after all, I need at least 2 for the bed, 2 for the sofa, 1 for when I’m studying at the table and at least two extra in case we have guests or one of them is in the laundry.
I guess maybe I do see why the bf would think I have a problem 🙂
6. Do something Halloween-ish
Even though I got a couple of Halloween– and pumpkin-ish posts up last year, I don’t usually really celebrate it that much. For all that I love holidays, you’d think I’d like this one more, but oh well…
7. Celebrate Thanksgiving
No particular reason, really – I just feel like giving thanks is something that we don’t do enough of these days…
8. Appreciate the season
Last year this time, I was stuck in a frenzy of trying to get through my courses, deadlines, exams, tests and I don’t know what. As a result, not only fall, but even Christmas and winter just about passed me by completely! Seeing that I could write an entire post on nothing but why I love fall (like, literally, I have already done that) I’m sure you can see why that would kind of bum me out… I love fall, and this year, I really want to take the time to enjoy it!
So there you have it, my fall bucket list. What are some of the things you definitely want to do this fall? Be sure to let me know below!