2018 Reading Updates: March Update
Happy Easter everybody! As per the usual, with Easter comes the end of March, and Easter break. And quite frankly? I’m not sure which one of those I’m more happy about. So here’s…
Weekly Lists #125: Favorite Blogposts March 2018
So a fourth of the year has past. And half of the second term is gone too. And you know what? I’m kind of okay with that. Just that much closer to Christmas,…
Booktags #18: Goodreads book tag
I mean, it’s pretty clear, right? That I’m kind of falling back in love with book tags? Or at least, well, you know. It should be. Considering this one’s like, what, the third…
A Perfect Saturday
So every once in a while, you have one of those days, you know. You’re fine with not working (pretty rare, in my case). The weather’s miraculously amazing. You may even have the…
Booktags #17: NY Times by the book tag
Time for another book tag, yay! This time it’s a tag that I literally had never heard of. And then I came across it Portal in the Pages‘ youtube channel and I was…
New Releases: April 2018
You guys, April is going to be a good month as far as books goes. As in, I think I have more books listed for this new releases April 2018-episode, than I have…
#TBT: Favourite old posts
You know that whole thing where youtubers watch their first ever video? Yeah, I love those. So I figured: why not do something like that myself? Why not go back, all the way…
Weekly lists #124: Bookish mugs wishlist
So I like books, right? And I’m a little obsessed with drinking tea, and hot chocolate, and soup, and warm apple cider, and… You get the picture, I’m sure. The point is: I…