2021 Christmas bucket list
Every single year, I do this to myself: I have huge ambitions to be all Christmas-sy, and somehow I manage to forget that, oh yeah… Right… December is basically the busiest month when…
Advent Calendar Ideas
Hey! It’s blogmas season again! And this year, I’m – for once – not starting with my bucket list. Rather, I’m addressing this one to all of you people who were going on…
Weekly Lists #219: 2021 Eurovision Favourites
Well, it’s that time of year again – next week, the general craziness that is Eurovision will break loose… And as is, at this point, my habit: I’m here to help you. Or…
2020 Reading: Year in Numbers & Figures
As I said in yesterday’s post as well: 2020’s been a bit of a doozy, hasn’t it? The entire world seemed to shift every other day, which meant we didn’t go on a…
2020 Year in Review
I remember writing this post for 2019, and if I’m not mistaken, my opening line was something in the area of “wow this was such a crazy year”. Well… Let’s just say that…
Favourite Holiday Content 2020
Can we just take a moment to appreciate that I actually did it? I completed Blogmas – and that’s an achievement, especially considering I hadn’t actually posted consistently since this past spring. And…
Christmas Movie Favourites
Everyone has them, right? Those Christmas movie favourites that you don’t even need to rewatch… Just, because, you love them so much you can basically close your eyes and you see them play…
Mini Reviews #20: a Working Christmas
For someone who’s so keen on completely relaxed holidays, I sure do have a certain fascination with the concept of a working Christmas – or at least: a working lead-up to Christmas. That…