Weekly Lists #196: Current Favourite Music
Every once in a while, I just need to gush for a bit. About my favourite songs, movies, books… Or in this case: about my current favourite music. Because, let’s be real –…
Weekly Lists #195: Hyped 2019 Releases I Don’t Care About
Another weekly list blatantly inspired by Top 5 Wednesday – but hey, if I’m ever in need of some inspiration, they always have my back! Also, this is not meant to drag any…
Weekly Lists #194: Favourite Content August
August is just about gone, school is going to start again, retakes have already started and I’m stressed and everything is just downhill from here okay. Anyways. Here’s my favourite content August edition!…
Birthday Bookish Wishlist
Guess who’s another year older today! And totally OKAY with it. Not as if I feel like I wasted the last year to insecurities and stress and a constant looming threat of “people…
Weekly Lists #193: Most Popular Blogposts
Look, I’m saying this knowing that the term “popular” is very relative, okay. I’m a small (tiny) blog at the best of times. None the less, there have been a couple of posts…
Weekly Lists #192: Fictional Date Locations
I know this is basically blasphemy, probably. But, none the less – here I go: I’m not really a big fan of going on dates. I know you should and yadayadayada. Anyways. I…
Weekly Lists #191: Favourite Content July
July has come and gone and I’ve read just about nothing. Basically because we’ve moved and I’ve found myself inundated with boxes and bags filled with stuff. So I needed something I could…
Weekly Lists #190: 5 More Books to Rediscover
Would you believe it’s been over 3 years since I wrote about this? You know the ones – the books that touched you in some way or another. The ones that you kinda…