Blogmas 2019: My Holiday Bucket List
Happy 1st of December! It’s blogmas 2019 and you know what that means! Time for my Holiday bucket list!
It’s that time of year again, where bloggers and vloggers across the world crowl out from their blogging slumps and decide to try and throw themselves back into the deep end – by blogging non-stop for 24 days. And although most years I’m basically “just as bad”, this year my doctor has just ordered me to take complete rest for 2 weeks straight.
So, sure, I’l participate in Blogmas – and luckily I have a lot of posts prepped already. But occasionally? I might miss a day. Or I might catch up on a day a bit later. And I’m just going to have to try to be okay with that. Luckily, that theme of “I have to learn how to relax” and “what do I even like to do outside of work?” That’s pretty much also the theme of today’s holiday bucket list!

As I’m writing this, I have the Nutcracker playing in the background, some freshly baked apple tart cooling down (this Tasty recipe is amazing!) and plans for an incredibly relaxing afternoon watching Christmas movies…
So, you know, at least it looks as if I’ll be off to a good start what with all the relaxing I have to do?
By the way – if you’re already craving some more Blog-mas posts? Be sure to check out my blogmas for 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018!
Have yourself a very merry Blogmas – and be sure to leave me your links if you’re participating as well!