Summer 2018 TBR
It’s summer! I’m free! And as of today, that is actually the case – all preparations have been handed in and in 5 days, I’m not even on call anymore! Which means, obviously,…
Summer 2018 Bucket List
I’m fairly sure I’ve mentioned here or there that I get bored quite easily. Because, you know… I do. Which means that, naturally, I have to plan ahead. Make sure I have enough to…
My 2018 Spring TBR
It feels crazy that I’m actually writing this, because apparently it’s going to be snowing tomorrow. You know, as it does, less than a week before spring is set to officially start. None…
Weekly Lists #122: Favorite YA Romance Series
Romance. It’s the thing that makes me smile while I’m reading. Looking back now, it’s pretty clear I was always going to grow into a chicklit-lover. I mean, you know – long before…
Weekly Lists #119: Favorite Romance Series
What’s this? Two weekly lists in one week? In two days even? Yes, that’s right! I’ve got some catching up to do from last week’s missed post. Plus, it’s the last but one…
Weekly Lists #118 Favorite romance standalones
Yes, I know, there was no weekly lists last week. But I had a perfectly reasonable good reason: my blog was down. Again. That’s the second time in like a little over a…
Merry Christmas!
Some things will never change. I talk too fast, I love sushi and cooking and dancing. Christmas is just about my favourite time of the year, but each year it seems to pass me…
Favourite Christmas blogposts
Every year I write a bunch of Christmas posts. And every year, I find myself thinking: other people are so much better at this than I am. And every year? I make a…