40 Days of Blogging
I would’ve posted this Wednesday but, you know… I do have a tradition of weekly lists on Wednesday. 170 weekly lists, to be exact. Anyways, this is just a bit of a notification.…
Weekly Lists #169: Favourite Content February
I feel like February was a bit of a dud. I mean, I spent the majority of the month being ill. And somehow, I didn’t really love that much content? I mean, you know,…
Weekly Lists #167: Valentine’s Books
It’s Valentine’s week and you know what that means! I’m reading all the romance. Whether they be stand-alones, series, adult or YA, or even an entire author’s work? Here are some of my absolute…
Weekly Lists #165: Favourite Content January
2019 is certainly off to a good start – there’s been a lot of content that I’ve absolutely loved reading, and even more that I just wanted to tuck away somewhere, so I…
Weekly Lists #162: 2019 Travelling Goals
It’s fun to dream, isn’t it? And sure, none of these particular dreams might come to pass… But, well, you know. At least this way I can imagine what it would be like…
Weekly Lists #161: 5 New Year’s Quotes to Start the Year Right
Those of you that have been following this blog for a while, know that I have a certain love for fun quotes. The inspiring kind. The literary kind. Just about any kind, really. And…
My Goals for 2019
No New Year’s Resolutions for me. No Sir, no way. That’s for a very good reason, though. 2019 will be overwhelming. You know how some years, you’ve got the time to grow, and…
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas everyone! Take the time to enjoy the day with those you love, to fully recharge after the busy months that have gone by… And all the seasons’ best for you!