Weekly Lists #122: Favorite YA Romance Series
Romance. It’s the thing that makes me smile while I’m reading. Looking back now, it’s pretty clear I was always going to grow into a chicklit-lover. I mean, you know – long before…
A day in the life: Teacher edition (part 2 – stay at home)
So yesterday I showed you what a day in my life looks like when I’m teaching the entire day. Naturally, that’s not always the case – last term I had to be in…
A day in the life: Teacher edition (part1)
I’ve wanted to be a teacher since I was about yee high. I know I can’t actually show you how high yee is. But I don’t doubt for a second you can imagine. And since…
Weekly Lists #121: Favorite blogposts February 2018
There’s another month just about gone and another load of blogposts I’ve been loving. From the personal to the emotional to the blogging-related, there’s been quite a few this month. And as per…
Updated Book Shelves Tour
So it’s been a while since I’ve done a book shelves tour. And that’s a shame, really, because a lot has happened, book-wise. I mean, sure, I got some new books. But also…
Tags #15 :Magical Girls Tag
It’s been ages since I’ve done a tag, it feels like. But last night, as so often happens when I don’t go to bed when I should on Saturday nights, I found myself…
40 Days of Blogging
So some of you may have noticed that I’m posting quite a bit more regular than usual. Well, I’ve always had a nice little schedule going on – it’s just seen some additions.…
Weekly Lists #119: Favorite Romance Series
What’s this? Two weekly lists in one week? In two days even? Yes, that’s right! I’ve got some catching up to do from last week’s missed post. Plus, it’s the last but one…