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Weekly Lists #83: 5 Favorite Blogposts April

It’s time for my favorite blogposts of April! Again! Help I have a master’s dissertation to finish! (anybody else having flashbacks to last year, around this time? No? Just me? Okay then)

Now, I promise I didn’t do this on purpose – I promise! But, somehow, basically this entire list consists of posts either by Modern Mrs Darcy, or posts I found through Modern Mrs Darcy. Suffice it to say: as soon as you’re done with this post? Go discover her blog – it’s amazing!

1. You will stumble

You will stumble.

Because you have to know it’s okay to fail and stumble and hesitate from time to time. And that you should give yourself some credit for that. (Don’t worry, I realise I need to tell myself this as much as anybody else!)

2. Best book note taking system

Because, basically, I’m constantly thinking: “I need to remember this.” Or: “I’m going to want to reference this later.” And then I completely and utterly forget about it. One of those useful posts that has you thinking: why didn’t I read this before?

3. Lessons from Anne of Green Gables

Don’t Be a Drama Queen, and Other Lessons in Friendship from Anne Shirley

This is actually a series, and what a series it is! I love all the books from the Anne of Green Gables-series. I love all the characters (well – a large majority of them at least) as well. In this series, Modern Mrs Darcy discusses what life lessons we could all take from the books. Trust me – at least some of them you want to read!

4. How to stay positive

Because staying positive isn’t always easy. If anything, it usually isn’t! I’m starting to realize this entire month was basically just blogposts about self-improvement… But let’s be real. That’s never a bad thing, is it?

5. How to stay organized

How I’m staying organized these days

Because, well, frankly: who doesn’t need to read something like this every once in a while?

And there you have it, that’s 5 of my favourite blogposts from the month April! Be sure to let me know below what great posts or blogs you’ve been reading lately!
