Weekly Lists #116: Booktube made me do it
So we all have those moments, right? Where you’re just happily watching some Youtube. Nothing special, really. And then, suddenly. It happens. Someone mentions a book. A title, a blurb, a thing they…
Weekly Lists #115: Small Booktubers to Support
So I had a post planned for yesterday. Well, that’s kind of a lie. I had an idea. And then I didn’t work it out beforehand so I ended up not posting anything.…
What to read: Modern Mrs Darcy Reading Challenge
This is one of those things I’ve seen across the web quite a lot. The kind of post that makes you think: I wish I would’ve thought of that. But you know what,…
Weekly Lists #114: Ways to Procrastinate
No, of course I’m not writing this post just because I’d been procrastinating for ages and as such had no idea what to write this post about! Well, maybe a little. Just a…
Focus Word: Enough
So I’ve been playing with this idea for a while now. Last year, I figured giving myself 52 goals would be a good idea. Yeah, I don’t know what I was thinking either.…
2018 Reading Updates: Start Up
It’s time for one of my favourite-yet-hated-at-a-later-point posts of every year! Let’s be real, I tend to be an overachiever in this post, and then live to regret it for 12 months to…
Weekly Lists #113: Books I’m Most Looking Forward To in 2018
Happy 2018, everybody! With this being the first post of the year, I couldn’t not take a look forward, could I? This is not so much a “new releases”-post, as just: “Books I’m…
52 Goals Final Round Up
It seems like a lifetime ago that I made these goals for myself. Realistically speaking, I did lead a different life then – in the past year I’ve transitioned from a lot of things…