Weekly Lists #105: Books featuring Witches
It’s October and that means even Top 5 Wednesday is going Halloween-y. Now, I don’t really read that much fantasy, paranormal or creepy books. Because, well… I get scared easily? So as far…
About Books #29: Christmas at the Dancing Duck
So there’s Christmas. And then there’s Christmas at a tavern that was previously run by people every so slightly obsessed with collecting trinkets. Christmas trinkets included. Sound perfect? Then you should definitely read Daisy James’…
About Books #28: Hope at Christmas
So every year for the past couple of years, I’ve been promising myself that I was going to read all the Christmas books. I own quite a few of them, as a matter of…
Weekly Lists #104: 5 Favorite Blogposts September
So September was a blast. And I mean that as in: it blasted through me and left me behind in shreds. And I promise that’s the last time you’ll hear me complaining about…
About Books #27: The Royal Wedding
It doesn’t happen too often that I review multiple books from the same author. So far, I think Kate Perry was the only exception to that rule, so far. Today, however, there’s another…
52 Goals September Update
This is the point where I can hit “pause”, right? To catch a breather? (I know I’m a cliché by now, what with all the “time goes by so quickly” and “where has…
2017 Reading Challenges: September Update
So the entirety of September is a blur to me. And I don’t mean that as in “I don’t remember any of it.” I mean it as in: what on earth even was…
Weekly Lists #103: The Book Community Made Me Read It!
Welcome to another week of: Saar loves the Top 5 Wednesday-prompts. In this special edition, I actually manage to get one written! For this last week of September, the prompt was to list 5…