Weekly Lists #80: Favorite Songs of the Moment
Every once in a while, I feel the need to talk about music on here. You see, I’m basically listening to music all the time. I’m that annoying person that doesn’t even have…
Tags #9: The Harry Potter Tag
So I’ve gushed about Harry Potter enough, both on here and on Tumblr, Twitter ànd Instagram that it really should come as no surprise to anybody ever that I’m doing this tag. If…
Book Tags #13: Greek Mythology Style (Part 2)
So yesterday I did the first one of this tag – or Book Survey – and today it’s time for the second part. Again: more appreciation is needed for Percy Jackson, and today…
Book Tags #12: Greek Mythology Style (Part1)
So, for all that I’m constantly talking about books on this blog, I feel like I haven’t really been paying enough attention to one series in particular that I really enjoyed reading: Percy…
Weekly Lists #79: 5 Favorite Blogposts March
Another month has gone and passed us by. Well, at least. It’s passed me by, I don’t know about you. But, yeah, I didn’t really get the chance to read a lot of…
52 Goals March Update
So last month, a certain lack of time kind of forced me to make this update rather a chatty one. Turns out I actually like writing those types of posts – who knew 🙂 Anyways,…
2017 Reading Challenges: March Update
So this month, I started out by accidentally deleting every spreadsheet that documented my reading. As a consequence, I’ve decided to be done with the whole Read around the World for now –…
Weekly Lists #78: Book series you wish had more books
I’m back to taking my inspiration from Top 5 Wednesday, the Goodreads Group that has bookish prompts for every single Wednesday. Although, let’s be honest – I’m complaining about series not having enough…