Unorganisation: The Bane of My Existence – Or Not
This is another post I’m writing for the Bookending Spring 2019 Event, and quite frankly… It’s probably a subject I should’ve spoken about long before this. After all, throughout high school, college, and…
Spring Bookshelf Decoration
As part of the Bookending Spring 2019 edition, I’m taking on Theresa @The Calico Books‘ prompt. Sure, this is technically yesterday’s prompt, but, you know… You mustn’t mess with Weekly Lists, right? And…
2019 1st Book Haul!
For reference: when the bf saw me taking the pics for this post, all he could say was “wow”. And I almost started hyperventilating. Because, you know… While all of these purchase seemed…
How to Survive: Online Mental Health
Also known as: on protecting yourself online. I’m someone who tends to compare themselves. Just about everything that I see about other people: their libraries, their relationships, their friends, their bodies, their everything.…
I give a Sheet – Spreadsheets for Bookbloggers
Also known as: the second post I’m writing for the Bookending Spring 2019 edition! This time, we’re going with today’s post, again: by AJ @ For the Love of Diversity and hosted by…
More random facts about me
Also known as: in the last 7 days, on three separate occasions people have told me something I do is weird. So I realised that apparently, there’s quite a couple of random facts…
#TBT: Favourite Disney Movies
There are few things better than some good old nostalgia. But as far as Disney goes? There’s been certain holes in my education. For example, a majority of the “classic” Disney movies? Never…
Weekly Lists #173: Favourite Content March
It’s officially spring time! And, reading back this post, that appears to have left me with a bit of a theme for today’s Weekly List. That theme being: spring cleaning – in all…