Books,  Christmas,  Holidays

Gift Guide for a Book Lover

Honeslty, you’d think buying a present for your beloved reader-friend would be easier than this, right? But – how on earth do you know which books they’ll like? What books they already own? Or should you just stay away from the actual books altogether, and go for something related? Here’s my 2020 gift guide for a book lover!

Bookish stores

There’s entire stores dedicated to nothing but bookish gifts, and those should – of course – be your starting point. But in doing so, sites like Etsy are definitely good sources as well. Especially because that one allows you to look for a specific fandom, if you know what your book-lover might be into.

Source: Amazon

Bookish games

  • Bookopoly: It’s Monopoly, but with books, and it’s everything I’ve ever wanted.
  • Bookshelf board game: It doesn’t just have to be games with a bookish twists, of course – why not some classic board games, hidden as books?
  • Harry Potter Uno – which you can either find on Amazon, or remake (in a similar way) with any fandom your local booklover might be a fan of!

Other bookish-ness

Source: Etsy
Source: Uncommon Goods

And if you need more inspiration, why not take a look at my 2016, 2018 and 2019 posts on bookish gifts?

Honestly, I’d be quite happy with any or all of the above – although there’s honestly probably a bigger chance of me gifting than receiving them. Oh well, here’s to inspiration for future years, right?


Walking Through The Pages - Gift Guide for a Book Lover - blogmas 2020